Murray's Oulu Steam post


3D or not 3D - That is the Question

In 1993 id software managed to fool the masses by creating a game (DOOM) with a “fully 3D environment”. This at the time seemed impossible and to a certain extent it was. DOOM wasn’t actually a fully 3D game, despite having 3D elements it would be more accurately described as 2.5D by having one flat map with sprites and walls designed to appear 3D from the player’s perspective, this is why there are no platforms/rooms directly on top of each other in DOOM.

Defrosted Dangers

Melting permafrost in places like Siberia and Svalbard are unearthing ancient diseases/parasites that have been preserved over millions of years into the open air to start infecting people again. Diseases derived from the ice are soo much more deadly than any virus because our immune systems have never experienced any form of disease like it would make our natural process’ almost entirely useless in reducing the diseases harm. A perfect example of this is when a bunch of people decided to live in the new world (America) and inadvertently killed most of the natives by bringing diseases they had never encountered before. This links in with climate change because the permafrost is melting as a direct consequence of global warming/greenhouse gasses.

Similarly, people in china seem to have more of an immunity to COVID19 because of having past experiences of other coronaviruses.

Oulu STEAM Project 

I was interested to sign up to the project because I want to try and help the environment as much as I can, and I feel art/photography is an interesting way of conveying a message to people that is otherwise mentioned so much that people often just tune out.


Mind Maps


* trees





*the world






*sea life



* insects











*volcanic rock

*cliffside shores


*busy streets

*local shops

*grassy parks

*sandstone buildings


  1. Great comments about melting permafrost and the release of ancient things we might not be able to handle!

    Linking global warming, evolution and the pandemic is a great way of describing how interconnected everything on Earth is!

    Thanks for the straightforward brainstorm it's great to see here how the two subjects have A LOT of crossover.


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